Elaborating Long-term Low Emission Development Strategies and Climate Policy Mainstreaming

Best practices in developing long-term Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS) in the European Union and Eastern Partnership countries were examined in a regional webinar, organised during 19-20 October 2020 by the EU4Climate Project, funded by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme. Despite the ongoing epidemics, complex political and security situation…

The Winners of “Time #ForNature” Youth Poster Contest Awarded within EU funded EU4Climate project 

The European Union continues strengthening the protection and sustainable use of biodiversity in Armenia in line with the European green principles.   On 20 July 2020, the award ceremony of the three winners of the “Time #ForNature” youth poster contest took place in the Armenian Tree Project’s Ohanian Center for Environmental Education in Margavovit village, Lori region. The Contest was organized in celebration of World Environment Day on…

Moldova – the fourth country in the world to submit an updated and more ambitious Nationally Determined Contribution to the Paris Climate Agreement

The Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment presented to the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) the second Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC2) of the Republic of Moldova and accompanying information to facilitate clarity, transparency and understanding with reference to the Paris Climate Agreement. “We are proud to announce that…

Joining Efforts at National and International Levels in Support of Updating Armenia’s NDC under Paris Agreement

YEREVAN. 31 January 2020 – Armenia is committed to updating country’s (NDC) by 2020 in response to the growing impacts and mitigating risks of climate change with the ultimate goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions under the UNFCCC and according to Paris Agreement. As EaP country and beneficiary of the European Union funded “EU4Climate” EU-UNDP…