Created by Art Group “Collective Failure” and NGO “Climate Basics”, this inspiring artistic collaboration makes its return to Tbilisi Multifunctional Libraries’ Vake Mediathek, inviting visitors to explore the Earth’s beauty and confront the challenges it faces from climate change.

The Government of Georgia unveiled its first-ever Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy (Lt-LEDS) 2050, which was officially adopted on 24 April 2023. The Lt-LEDS sets the stage for Georgia’s carbon-neutral future and will be instrumental in updating the national Climate Action Plan 2023-2025, outlining a clear roadmap towards sustainable, low-emission growth.

The European Union (EU) and UNDP, as part of the EU4Climate programme, supported the Green Market Festival in Tbilisi, organized by the “Vintylator” social enterprise and the “Betterfly” advertising company in collaboration with a range of contributors.

Georgian club life has long gone beyond the scope of entertainment to assume the role of social activism. The art project “Landscape of the invisible” is one such platform inspired by a collaboration between visual artists and climate activists and presented in a club space.
- 18 April, 2023

The art exhibition #LandscapesOfTheInvisible showcases how our world gets destroyed by climate-induced disasters, pollution and unsustainable management of natural resources, and how the hidden, but acute impacts of climate change affect the most vulnerable – women, children, and socially or economically disadvantaged communities.

Over 200 representatives of local and national authorities from EaP countries and the EU Member States got together in Tbilisi for a conference dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the EU Covenant of Mayors. A series of discussions organized throughout the event included a regional workshop hosted by the EU4Climate project, a joint EU and UNDP initiative to assist Eastern partnership countries in fulfilling their climate pledges.

The private sector has a key role in fulfilling Georgia’s climate goals, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 35 percent, and achieving zero emissions from energy systems by 2050. On November 24 representatives of the private, public and civil sectors discussed new business development opportunities unfolding as Georgia moves towards a low-carbon economy. The discussion was supported by the EU and UNDP, as part of the EU4Climate project.

Climate mainstreaming into energy and health sectors was the focus of a series of workshops bringing together up to 30 representatives from the Government, civil society and experts. Meeting participants discussed the impacts of the energy and health sectors on Climate Change, the EU Green Deal and the options to adapt to climate change in these sectors.

In Georgia NDC financing strategy, investment plan and climate budget provide guidelines on assessing, mobilizing, scaling and utilizing financing in a EU4Climate study with insights into climate financing in the Eastern Partnership region.

Monitoring, reporting and verification are essential to track how countries are doing in reducing GHG emissions and fulfilling their climate pledges under Paris Agreement. Here is how the European Union assists Georgia and the other Eastern Partnership countries to improve emissions reporting and unlock climate finance.

The EU and UNDP, in partnership with the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, assist Georgia to advance its legislative framework and introduce climate-smart policies and regulations unveiling research findings.

An ecosystem is a complex of living organisms and their habitats and they provide us many vital services. Ecosystem degradation, mainly caused by human activities, is a global problem of this century and Georgia also faces challenges in this regard.

On the path to achieving a climate-proof future, Georgia is preparing a natioal strategy for low-emission development. The strategy will focus on transforming the economy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, will include specific low-carbon development scenarios for key sectors and will define long-term priorities to mitigate climate change.

Georgia updated its NDCs committing to unconditionally reduce its GHG emissions to 35 percent below its 1990 baseline level (an approximately 16 percent per capita reduction) by 2030. The Government of Georgia adopted the updated NDCs on 8 April and subitted them to the UNFCCC on 5 May.

The EU4Climate co-organised one-day hybrid training in Kutaisi on February 25th, 2021 with the Green Movement of Georgia in the framework of the project Fostering the Civil Society Engagement in National Cliate Policy, for the reresentatives of civil sector, stakeholders and local groups in the western Georgia.

The public consultation was held to discuss the National Determined contribution (NDC) and ′′Climate Change 2030 Strategy and the 2021-2023 Action Plan ′′ (CSAP) documents.

EU4Climate Georgia in cooperation with the Greens Movement of Georgia/Friends of the Earth organised an online climate conference aiming to strengthen the ongoing cooperation between the government agencies and the civil society regarding the 2030 Climate Strategy and the 2021-2023 Action Plan.

EU and UNDP assist Georgia in integration climate action into the national development planning. Concrete steps that will help the country to decide on low-eimssion development pathways were discussed.
- 13 November, 2020

The regional workshop was held to discuss Georgia’s National Defined Contribution and Climate Change Action Plan addressing current situation and plans as well as monitoring the implementation of climate change action plan with a specific focus on community participation in implementing climate change policies.

To initiate the process of development of the “Georgia’s Low Emission Development Strategy 2050, LT-LEDS”, a kick-off meeting was organised with stakeholders, including the representatives of relevant ministries, CSOs, IOs and IFIs. The Low Emission Development Strategy 2050 of Georgia will be developed within the scope of the EU4Climate project.

On the International Environment Day, EU4Climate in Georgia in cooperation with Georgia’s Green Movement/Friends of the Earth – Georgia held an online seminar on Biodiversity and Climate Change

The battle against COVID-19 is at the top of the policy agenda, but measures to fight climate change should not be forgotten in the pandemic. This was the consensus today as Georgian representatives met with European Union (EU) and Energy Community counterparts to discuss how to ensure that Georgia’s climate and energy legislation works to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with EU standards.