With a population of around 3.15 million (2019), Moldova contributes as little as 0.026% to the total global GHG emissions and is amongst the lower range of the per capita footprint with 2.13 mt CO2e. The key emitter sectors are energy (68.1%), transport (16.3%), agriculture (16.7%), and waste (10.0%). In its updated Second NDC, the Republic of Moldova intends to achieve more ambitious targets than in its First NDC. The country’s new economy-wide unconditional target is to reduce its GHG emissions by 70 per cent below its 1990 level in 2030, instead of 64-67 per cent as committed in the First NDC, which could be further increased up to 88 per cent, if international low-cost financial resources, technology transfer, and technical cooperation is ensured. In the updated NDC an adaptation component is included.
The Republic of Moldova is highly vulnerable to climate change and variability, and the socio-economic costs of climate change related to hazards such as droughts, floods, late spring frost and hail are significant. Increasingly erratic weather patterns have resulted in loss of life and income through rising food and energy prices. The most vulnerable sectors are agriculture, human health, water resources, forestry, transport and energy.
Climate change is streamlined into the main strategic planning document of the country – the National Development Strategy “Moldova 2030” (2019). Moldova was amongst the first countries in the word to start developing a Low Emissions Development Strategy to the Year 2020. The Energy Strategy of the Republic of Moldova outlines the climate change mitigation in the sector through to 2030. In 2014 the Government approved the Climate Change Adaptation Strategy, the first national strategic framework, which aims to advance the resilience of the country’s social and economic development processes. It serves as an umbrella strategy which creates the enabling environment for specific sectors to ‘mainstream’ climate change adaptation and risk management into existing and future sectoral adaptation plans. The National Designated Authority in the Climate Change Area is the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, which houses the Climate Change Office.
Climate policy development and advancing cooperation with EU in Moldova
EU4Climate key policy interventions and expected impact
Moldova is working towards establishing a strong foundation for low emission and climate resilient growth, being one of the first countries in the world to develop a LEDS and the fourth country to submit to UNFCCC a tougher Second NDC. The Government of Moldova increasingly recognizes the importance of adapting to new climatic conditions and has a strong commitment to increasing capacity to respond to disasters and climate risks. However, being a developing country, with limited capacity, Moldova needs additional support to the national efforts through international financial, technological and capacity building support.
EU4Climate programme, funded by the European Union, aims to support the development and implementation of climate-related policies by the Eastern Partnership countries. In Moldova a first priority of the project was to support development of an updated and enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution. A robust domestic emissions monitoring, reporting and verification system will be established, to inform the government and the international community of the progress of its NDC implementation.
Throughout the project EU and best international practises will be applied, including some alignment with EU acquis included in bilateral agreements and Energy Community Treaty on Climate Action.
The EU4Climate project’s substantial activities started in Moldova in the second half of 2019, and laid the footing for a systematic implementation of the requirements of the Paris Agreement and the commitments of Moldova under it. A significant achievement in 2019 was considered to be the developed and enhanced Second NDC of Moldova, which was submitted to UNFCCC on 4 March 2020, Moldova being the 4th country in the world to submit it.
EU4Climate result areas and timeframe in Moldova
Long-term LEDS
MRV System
EU Climate Acquis
Climate mainstreaming
Climate investment
Adaptation planning
EU4Climate Armenia: key results achieved in 2019
Implementation and update of NDCs
Capacities of the policy makers to plan and update/enhance NDC were enhanced through a series of regional and national events. Developed updated National Determined Contribution (NDC)
Development of mid-century long-term LEDS
Government officials enhanced their capacities to develop Long-Term Low Emissions Development Strategies during a regional workshop hosted by Moldova
Introduction of robust emissions monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) framework
Review of the existing MRV system and other information relevant to climate change. Recommendations provided to improve legal and regulatory framework on track with the Enhanced Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement
Alignment with EU acquis included in bilateral agreements and Energy Community Treaty on Climate Action
Partnership agreements concluded with the Energy Community and Secretariat to provide advice on EU acquis alignment. Analysis of gaps of the national legislation against the EU climate acquis. Initiated design of a fully-fledged integrated F-gas database system and a harmonized reporting system
Mainstreaming climate in economic sectors
Government officials enhanced their capacities on Mainstreaming of Climate Policies during a regional workshop hosted by Moldova. Recommendations for enhancing climate change mitigation impacts of the waste management sector, including proposals to national policies, legal and regulatory framework and management plans
Adaptation planning
Government officials enhanced their capacities on how to ensure a better adaptation planning and how to mainstream climate risks into national and sectoral planning processes during a regional workshop hosted by the Republic of Moldova
Communication and visibility actions
Awareness raising campaign in social media was conducted by UNDP Moldova related to the UNFCCC COP 25.