The EU4Climate Project National Coordinator Nazim Mammadov delivered a “Gender and climate change integration into the energy policy in Azerbaijan” presentation at a COP 27 side event hosted by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The event gathered six Eastern Partnership countries to discuss a comparative analysis of the Long-Term Low Emissions Development Strategies in the Eastern Partnership countries (EaP).
- 22 November, 2022

The EU4Climate project held a workshop on “Public consultations on MRV, NDC and LEDS” bringing together senior officials and representatives of ministries, the private sector and experts. Findings and strategic scenarios/options were presented and the process and challenges of MRV, NDC and LEDS for Azerbaijan were discussed.
- 28 June, 2022

The winners of the EU4Climate “Only One Earth” photo contest for World Environment Day in Azerbaijan have been announced. More than 160 Azerbaijanis aged 12-17 took part in the competition and contributed to raising awareness of the importance of environmental protection.
- 20 June, 2022

The Ministry of Ecology and Natural resources, the European Union and the UNDP held an open-air Award Ceremony event in the park of Heydar Aliyev Center where the handiworks of the selected participants of the “Ozun Yarat” contest have been displayed and laureates received valuable prizes.
- 23 May, 2022

The Ministry of Ecology and Natural resources, the European Union and the UNDP held an open-air Award Ceremony event in the park of Heydar Aliyev Center where the handiworks of the selected participants of the “Ozun Yarat” contest have been displayed and laureates received valuable prizes.
- 13 May, 2022

- 5 June, 2020

A new regional EU4Climate project financed by the European Union kicked off in Baku putting multistakeholder partnerships at the forefront of effective climate change action in countries of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) region. The national launch of the regional project offered an opportunity for government officials and the representatives of various stakeholder groups to discuss priorities and next steps for “EU4Climate” implementation in Azerbaijan until 2022.

A new regional EU4Climate project financed by the European Union kicked off in Baku putting multistakeholder partnerships at the forefront of effective climate change action in countries of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) region. The national launch of the regional project offered an opportunity for government officials and the representatives of various stakeholder groups to discuss priorities and next steps for “EU4Climate” implementation in Azerbaijan until 2022.
- 15 April, 2019
- EU, UNDP and Government