With a population of around 10 million people (2020), Azerbaijan’s contributes only 0.09% of total global GHG emissions, with 3.5 t CO2e per capita (2018). Energy and agriculture are two sectors with the largest GHG emission shares, respectively 75 and 14 per cent. Azerbaijan submitted an ambitious commitment in its First Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) committing to a quantitative target of 35% reduction in the level of greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990 by 2030.
The physical and geographical characteristics of Azerbaijan make it a highly sensitive country to the adverse effects of climate change. Extreme weather events, such as flooding, drought and heat stress are expected to increase in frequency. A growing water deficit, air pollution and land degradation place a high vulnerability in different sectors: agriculture, human health, water resources, forestry, tourism, coastal zone. The most vulnerable areas identified by the government are water, agriculture and coastal areas.
The Azerbaijan 2020 strategy highlights the possible impacts of climate change on the country’s society and economy, and the importance of preparing necessary policy measures. It also states that the amounts of energy and CO2 used to produce one unit of GDP will need to be in line with the OECD indicators. There is also the Strategy of Development of Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources in 2012-2020, and a strategy for renewable energy for 2015-2030. Whilst no policy or legal document has been put in place specifically for adaptation, the First NDC stated that Azerbaijan considers developing relevant adaptation measures for decreasing or minimising potential losses caused by climate change at national, local and community levels by sector. The National Designated Authority in the Climate Change Area is the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources.
Climate policy development and advancing cooperation with EU in Azerbaijan
EU4Climate key policy interventions and expected impact
Armenia is a country with an ambitious climate change agenda, which makes significant efforts towards low carbon development through increasing the share of renewable energy, promoting energy efficiency, preserving and enhancing forest covered areas and reporting regularly to the UNFCCC. However, as a developing country, Armenia needs international financial, technological and capacity building support. EU4Climate programme, funded by the European Union, aims to support the development and implementation of climate-related policies in Armenia.
Azerbaijan has already set several policies to pursue low-carbon, climate-resilient development. However, as a developing country, Azerbaijan needs further international financial, technological and capacity building support. EU4Climate programme, funded by the European Union, aims to support the development and implementation of climate-related policies in Azerbaijan. The EU4Climate project aims to supports Azerbaijan’s commitment to update and enhance the country’s NDC in 2020, to build national capacities to integrate low-emission and climate-resilient actions into national development plans as well as align climate change legislation with EU standards. A robust domestic MRV system will be established, to inform the government and the international community of the progress of its NDC implementation. The project will establish concrete industry-specific guidelines for the implementation of the Paris Agreement across various sectors of the economy, in particular agriculture and energy.
The EU4Climate project’s substantial activities started in Azerbaijan in the second half of 2019, and laid the footing for a systematic implementation of the requirements of the Paris Agreement and the commitments of Azerbaijan under it.
EU4Climate result areas and timeframe in Azerbaijan
Long-term LEDS
MRV System
EU Climate Acquis
Climate mainstreaming
Climate investment
Adaptation planning
EU4Climate Armenia: key results achieved in 2019
Implementation and update of NDCs
Capacities of the policy makers to plan and update/enhance NDC were enhanced through a series of regional and national events.
Development of mid-century long-term LEDS
Baseline situation addressing opportunities, obstacles and stakeholders were analysed for the further development of the LEDS. Initiated the process of developing the LEDS roadmap, via a national workshop on LEDS
Introduction, when necessary, of robust MRV frameworks and strengthening of the existing ones
Supporting a robust national MRV system, with the support of the Environment Agency Austria via Cooperation and partnerships agreement. Current National MRV system for GHG emission was assessed and initial gap-analysis report developed, including the recommendations on how to improve the national MRV system
Alignment with EU acquis included in bilateral agreements and Energy Community Treaty on Climate Action
The national legislation and policies analysed, identifying gaps and providing recommendations on the legislative alignment with EU on climate, consulted with the Environment Agency Austria for preparing a roadmap to assist aligning legislation with EU. For supporting the analysis of the existing gaps in the national legislation, Partnership Agreement with the Environment Agency Austria. National legislation, policy framework and institutional capacity of Azerbaijan on climate change discussed and analysed with stakeholders at a workshop
Mainstreaming climate in other sectors, interinstitutional awareness (on policy and technical level)
Analyzed national circumstances in energy and agriculture sectors and how to mainstream climate in these sectors
Capacities of the government and other key stakeholders on mainstreaming of climate change into priority sectors enhanced, via a national workshop |
Climate investments
Enhanced capacity to develop a pipeline of climate projects with an analysis of the state financial institutions
Analysis of the current state budget tagging systems
Adaptation planning
Enhanced capacity for national adaptation planning, with special focus on adoption and when necessary development of adaptation plans (national and sectoral), via regional workshop
Communication and visibility actions
Raised awareness of the younger generation on climate change issues and increased knowledge of national stakeholders and partners respectively on promoting of LEDS across the ministries, understanding the concept of mainstreaming climate change into major sectors, assessing the current national circumstances on the priority sectors and discuss the possibilities of aligning the national legislation with EU acquis, via a number of awareness-raising meetings and national workshops