
Micromobility is already a reality of today. The development of effective policies for its use can provide many benefits to society: flexible mobility, reduced emissions in cities, personal financial savings, reduced burden on the transport network, increased equality. Ukrainian cities face an emerging challenge with the new type of personal transport, and different solutions are discussed.

To learn more about the best practices on micromobility regulation worldwide and describe how to tackle critical micromobility-raised issues on the national and local level, the EU/UNDP EU4Climate Project developed a White Paper on Micromobility. On 16 June, the document was presented and discussed with policymakers from the Parliament of Ukraine and cities, micromobility associations, transport experts and other stakeholders. Over 20 participants live and over 65 online joined the event.

The main challenges that arise with the beginning of the widespread use of micromobility vehicles are road safety, urban infrastructure and urban development, the location of such vehicles, rental arrangements in the urban transport system and the impact on the environment.

Experts agreed on the crucial steps, which include defining micromobility or light personal transport in Ukrainian legislation, implementing restrictions for users regarding distractions, setting a minimum age of users and other requirements to make micromobility safe and accessible transport. Movement on the sidewalk is still a discussible question. In most countries, it is prohibited due to the danger to pedestrians, in countries where it is allowed, but with speed limitations.

To positively impact the environment and public health, micromobility policies should promote, as far as possible, the replacement of passenger cars with micromobility vehicles; the replacement of pedestrian and bicycle trips has the opposite effect.

The most effective measure to promote micromobility and increase road safety is the development of cycling infrastructure, which was particularly well demonstrated in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic and related lockdowns. Cities in Europe, South, and North America, Asia are rapidly developing light transport infrastructure as a tool to address transport and environmental issues and improve overall road safety.

Video from the presentation is available via the links:–s (English) and (Ukrainian).