
Advanced support on climate action legal framework discussed within the EU4Climate workshop in Ukraine

In the framework of the EU4Climate project, Ukraine’s climate policies and legal framework were examined against the EU climate acquis to reveal the gaps and present recommendations. Based on the findings of the review, the Roadmap outlining the EU4Climate support in alignment with EU acquis on climate action was developed with the support of the Energy Community Secretariat. These findings were presented and actively discussed during the virtual workshop EU Acquis Alignment Strategic Roadmap for EU4Climate Project was held on September 29, 2020.

The meeting gathered over 30 participants from the EU Delegation to Ukraine, the Energy Community Secretariat, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, Covenant of Mayors Coordinator, Civil Society Forum, as well as representatives from technical assistance projects in the field of climate action and environmental policy and the civil society organizations.

The main part of the workshop concentrated around the discussion about EU4Climate EU Acquis Alignment Roadmap. Its recommendations covered, inter alia, aligning secondary legislation on GHG monitoring and reporting requirements, developing and adopting a necessary legal framework for establishing a domestic emissions trading system, update Annexes to the Association Agreement, revising the ODS and F-gases law in line with the ODS Regulation, adopting a single comprehensive law to ensure grated harmonization of existing climate and energy policies.

The respective presentations were professionally delivered by Olga Yelisieieva, the Energy Community Secretariat consultant:

Compliance review and gap analysis of Ukrainian legislation against the EU climate acquis under the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement

The EU4Climate initiative is funded by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme. It supports countries in implementing the Paris Climate Agreement and improving climate policies and legislation. Its ambition is to limit the effects of climate and make citizens more resilient to them. It will assist the EaP countries to integrate the low-emissions and climate resilience objectives into development policies and plans, to improve and consolidate climate policies and legislative alignment.